Parents' Support Group
We currently have a very enthusiastic 'Parents' Support Group' which is made up of a group of seven parents. We meet at least twice per term or indeed more often when approaching major events.
Primarily we support the school by helping to organise such events as Halloween Discos, Christmas Plays, Easter Events etc.
We also, in conjunction with the school, identify an annual 'wish' for the school and this provides a focus for our fundraising activities. Over the past few years for example we have organised sponsored walks, a family fun day, Fifty Year Celebration reception, cake/uniform sales, bingo evening, quizzes etc and as a result we have helped the school acquire a whole range of playground games, including part funding of a new adventure play park, gardening grow boxes, reading and mathematical resources and most notably a set of thirty iPads.
As a group we have the chance to be involved in decision making. For example we make suggestions for the school to consider when planning ahead and we are consulted when the school is revising their pastoral policies. This is a great opportunity for parents to have a voice in the running of the school and the principal and staff are provided with reassurance that parents are happy with the school's policies.
As always, new members are always welcome.
St Mary's PS Dechomet 6 Closkelt Road Ballyward Castlewellan Down BT31 9QE