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Cumann na mBunscol
St Mary’s Primary School Dechomet reach Cumann na mBunscol Final!
It has been a fantastic year for our school football team – following three wins and a draw in the blitz section of the tournament we had a very close encounter with Killough Primary School. We won that match by two points and this qualified us for the Cumann na mBunscol Final in Castlewellan on Saturday 17th June against Burrenreagh Primary School. All our players played great football but unfortunately it just wasn’t our day. We would like to thank our players, mentors and supportive parents for all their commitment throughout the campaign. We would also like to congratulate Burrenreagh on their victory and for a very sporting match. All our players and class friends were treated to a post-match reception at “Flax Restaurant”.
Meanwhile our brilliant new pitch is now completed and there was great excitement in our school during the last week when we held our “Sports Day” on the new field.
A “Grand Opening” is now being organised and this will take place on 2nd September 2017.
We hope everyone has a very enjoyable summer!
St Mary's PS Dechomet 6 Closkelt Road Ballyward Castlewellan Down BT31 9QE