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PSG Name the Snowman!
Guess the name of the Snowman
Would you like to guess the name of the School Snowman?
You can guess as many times as you like. We are asking for £1 per guess to try and help raise some much needed funds for our School. A sheet will be given to each family next Monday.
Please send your donations to our new PSG PayPal account; this is the link. https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=FM6USAL6S35NN
The QR code will also on the back of the guess page.
Please bring your guess sheets back into school by 15th December and we will announce the winner/s on 18th December.
A prize will be given to the correct guess or guesses. Have fun and good luck!
St Mary's PS Dechomet 6 Closkelt Road Ballyward Castlewellan Down BT31 9QE