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St Mary's PS Dechomet, Castlewellan

PSG Welcome Letter

26th Nov 2020

PSG St Marys Dechomet

November 2020

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

We know this year has been a huge change, with many challenges along the way. As a PSG we want to be able to raise much needed funds for our school, while creating some support and wellbeing events, as well as giving something back to the children. Throughout this year we plan to organise some Covid-friendly events, which will be a mix of different activities to help support the school and our children who attend it.

To this end, we have had to look at how we fundraise, while adhering to Covid restrictions at the school, and are now in a position to introduce a new fundraising platform. We have set up a PayPal page which allows parents to donate directly to the page for events, preventing the need to send cash into school. This page allows extended family members; friends; businesses or the wider community to donate also if they wish. The link can be shared out to anyone who would like to donate for our school, and may be made anonymous too.

Further, we will also be taking down our PSG Facebook page and instead will advertise all of our events through the school Facebook page; website and app instead.

Our aim this year is to try and fund enough money to purchase some much-needed school equipment, but also to provide some little treats and fun stuff for the children too.

We look forward to sharing with you our events and the PayPal link will be advertised on the school Facebook page very soon, with our first event starting on 1st December, so watch this space.

Thank you all for your support through out the year and a big welcome to all of our new parents who joined the school this year. If any parents would like to join the school PSG as a volunteer we would love to hear from you.

Kind Regards

The PSG Trustees.