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Read our Year 7 memories of attending St Mary's PS
Read our Year 7 Memories

On the 1st September 2010 year 1. Miss O’Hare was my teacher. She was really nice and helped me with everything. I sat beside my cousin Amy. Next was year 2 and now my teacher was Mrs McEvoy and like all the teachers in this school she was really nice. Soon Year 3 came and a new girl Sarah came into our class. In year 4 I made my Holy Communion and I did a reading. Everyone looked so pretty in their dresses and suits. Mrs King was my teacher in year 4 and 5 and was so nice. When I was in year 5 our school celebrated its 50th anniversary. Then year 6 came and Mrs O’Callaghan was my teacher. For our Christmas play in year6 I was the 'Wicked Witch' in Hansel and Gretel. We were all practising for the transfer which would be in year 7. All the year 6 and 7s went to Ardnabannon and it was so much fun. We went water bouldering and zip lining. Year 7 came and I can’t believe this is my last year of primary school. We went to Ardnabannon again this year and it was more fun than ever. There are so many more amazing trips and memories that I have from this school. This school has truly been amazing.
Read our Year 7 Memories

I remember starting St Marys Primary School Dechomet on the 1st of January 2013 In P.3 .I was really nervous. I sat beside Megan. My teacher was Mrs McEvoy she was really nice and helped me with everything.
In P.4 we made our First Confession I read out the Prayer of the Faithful. A few months later we made our Holy Communion. Everyone looked their best. I read the prayer before Communion. After we all went to the school hall and got sweets and crisps and other stuff. We went on a school trip to the Applefest and we did the apple hunt and planted seeds and other stuff . Our teacher was Mrs king I miss her.
In P.5 we started our mini league, we played a match at break time and Mr Doyle refereed all the matches. It was our schools 50th Anniversary and we had a party to celebrate. I remember starting the violin. It was hard at the start but once I started playing it a lot it was easy. My violin teacher was Jane she was a good violin teacher she has helped me the whole way throughout P.5 to P.7.
In P.6 we went on loads of trips like Ardnabannon , Tesco`s, Smyth’s Bookshop, Tayto Factory and Castle Espie. We had a school play Hansel and Gretel. Cara was Gretel and Callum was Hansel. I was a goblin.
In P.7 we did the transfer on the 19th of November. I will remember this school even when I am in the Assumption. This a brilliant school and I’m glad I was a pupil here.
Read our Year 7 Memories

Unfortunately I didn’t start in this school until year Seven. I had heard so many good things about this school but It was only when I came here last September that I realised that this was such a good school. It is a lot smaller than my last school but everyone here, teachers and pupils are so friendly. I really enjoyed everything in this school especially the topics, the visitors, the trips and I really enjoyed playing in the school mini league and on the school football team that got into the Cumman na mBunscol Final. I would really recommend this school to EVERYONE.
Read our Year 7 Memories

I joined this school in Primary 1 on the 1st September 2010. My teacher was Miss O`Hare, she was really nice. I was really scared until I saw my best from play school Krista. I made friends very quickly, there were 8 other girls in my year. Then in Primary 2 I moved in to Mrs McEvoy, I started to make really good friends with the boys as well as the girls. The Primary 4s and over got to go to the Titanic Centre. We wanted to go with them. So we went to the cinema and then after we came back to the school there was a party in Mrs McEvoy`s class. It was great fun. In Primary 3 Sarah moved to our school, I was very surprised when I saw her. We all showed her round the school. Then we moved into Mrs King’s class in Primary 4. I made my First Confession and First Holy Communion. On my Communion I sang We Come To You Lord Jesus. After Communion we went to school and got cakes, buns and cookies. Then I moved to Primary 6 that’s when the hard work starts. 14 people in our class did the transfer test. I got an A and I’m going to Assumption Grammar School. Then in Primary 7 we made our Confirmation with Finnis and Maghermayo. I have had so many good memories in this school and so many good school trips. Some of my favourite school trips are Ardnabannon, The Pantomimes and The Christmas Markets. We also got in to the finial of the Cumann na mBunscol football and Rory, Megan, Daithi and I got into the Cumann na mBunscol Ulster QuizFinals in Donegal. Sadly we didn’t win in them. I also loved the After Schools. Sadly we are leaving this year I have so many memories in this school I would really recommend this school to other children.
Read our Year 7 Memories

The last seven years of this school were awesome. My principal Mr Doyle has been my principal for all my seven years. I remember in Year3 after we came back to the school from a cinema trip we had a massive party. In year 4 I made my First Confession and my First Communion. My friends Daithi, Conor and Michael had lots of fun with me. All the school trips have been amazing. My favourite was the Belfast Christmas Markets. It was class. I was a member our School Football Team that made it to the Cumann na mBunscol Final. Unfortunately we didn’t win but it was great playing in a Final and then going back to FLAX restaurant for a meal. I will really miss this school.
Read our Year 7 Memories
I remember my first day of school. I was really scared but then I soon had friends like Rory, Daithi and Michael. I loved playing with all the toys in Miss O’Hare’s room. Mrs McEvoy’s is where I made my first Communion. I remember going back to the school afterwards where we had buns and cake. All my years have been amazing in this school I have learnt so much and have done so many topics. I just wish it wasn’t over. I really had so much fun trips like Apple Feist, pantomime, Christmas Market, book shops, cinemas, fun parks, Ardna bannon and most important the Cumann na mBunscol Final.
Read our Year 7 Memories

I remember my first day of Reception I nervous but then Miss O’Hare made me welcome. I made friends with Daniel , Conor and Shane. I really enjoyed my first day then it came to year 4 I made my first Holy Communion. When it came year seven I made my Confirmation. We went to the Fontenoy Hall after. I remember going to Ardnabannon. It was great craic with my friends. I have enjoyed my time at Dechomet but one thing I can't forget is the Cumann na mBunscol Final. I thank all the teachers for helping me. It was great being a pupil in this school.
Read our Year 7 Memories

When I first started I was really nervous and I didn’t want to go in. When I walked in I saw some of last year’s pupils. Michael and I were the only receptions for a while and we were best friends. Miss O’Hare was very nice and a brilliant teacher, then later on Bethany and Rose joined. In P1 the work we started doing was really easy because all we did was colour in and maybe write about 3 sentences. When I moved into P2 I was really excited for a new teacher. Mrs McEvoy was really good at encouraging pupils to keep on going and not to stop. In P3 the work got a bit harder and spelling tests were harder. In P4 we had to start on division and multiplication so that was pretty hard getting used to at the start but I got better at it. In P5 we had Miss King who was a great teacher, always helping us with anything we needed help on and she would always let us play games and have fun. She was fair and would try her best to make work fun. In P6 the work was pretty tough but I got through it well enough and it was a good year. In P7 school was coming to an end and it really happened fast. I enjoyed being in Miss Stewart’s and Mr Doyle’s class. This school was amazing and I would definitely recommend it to people who want to have fun and do well in high school. I have really enjoyed my years and hope other people do to. Miss Cunningham has been really kind to me. Miss O’Hare/Dinner Lady was very nice as well as Miss McCrickard and Miss McKewon. I will really miss this school. I hope I can come back to visit soon.
Read our Year 7 Memories

I started this school in 2010. When I came in to this school on the 1st September I knew a few people because I went to playschool with them. Miss O’Hare greeted us all and told us where to sit. I sat beside Conor McAlerney. Conor and I were best friends from playschool and I made friends with Michael and Rory.
Then came Mrs McEvoy’s room where in year 2 I went on a school trip to the cinema and when we came back in Mrs McEvoy’s room there was a big party with loads of chocolate, sweets and crisps. Then in year 4 I made my Communion and I did a prayer of the faithful. I made confession with Maghermayo and I read a prayer of the faithful. In year 7 I was coming down to my final days and I made my Confirmation and picked the name Brendan after my Granda. I had so many trips at this school. It has been wonderful. Here are some of them: Ardnabannon, Castle Espie, Castlewellan Forest Park, Christmas Market and we got to the Cumamn Na mBunscol final. I will miss here because I have so many memories.
Read our Year 7 Memories

I began my first day at St Marys Primary School Dechomet on the 1st of September 2010 in Primary One. I was really scared in case I didn’t make any friends but I knew most of the girls and boys from playgroup. I was really good friends with Rose so there was nothing to be nervous about. I just can’t believe these seven years have passed so quickly. In this school I’ve had so much fun I lost track of time! The teachers and the classroom assistants have all been so good to me the whole way through school and I have made so many friends. I have learned so much and have made so many great memories here I’m just so sad that now it’s time to leave. I also had the chance to learn the tin whistle and the flute. Music tutors came in to the school to help us learn a lot of different instruments like the violin, the saxophone and the flute. I really enjoyed all the trips and all the visitors to the school like the bookshop, Applefeist, Ardnabannon, Tesco, the cinema, Christmas Markets, storytelling by Liz Wier, McDonalds etc. There was never a year that we didn’t go on at least 2 or 3 trips! We had some really amazing school plays like Hansel and Gretel. We’ve had lots of people in the school like a man who came in to let us hold and learn about rainforest animals. I am really looking forward to going to my new school but I’m going to miss all the memories and fun things from this amazing school and especially all the teachers, classroom assistants and all my friends. I would definitely recommend this school to anybody who was looking for a fantastic, friendly school! I’m going to really miss being a pupil at ST Marys Primary School.
Read our Year 7 Memories

When I started on the 1st of September I was really nervous because of a new teacher Miss O’Hare but I knew most of the boys and girls from playgroup. I made new friends Bethany and Rose. I settled into the school quickly. I couldn’t believe primary 1 was over. I was really nervous going into Primary 2 to a new teacher and a new classroom. Mrs McEvoy welcomed me into the class. I made new friends from the year above and it just went so quick. Going into primary 3 I wasn’t that nervous because I had been in Mrs McEvoy’s class we had a great school trip to Applefeist. After the Christmas holidays Sarah started the school! I became great friends with her. In primary 4 it was one big year not just getting a new teacher Mrs King, but I made my First Confession and First Holy Communion. It was my first ever time playing a mini league. In primary 5 our school was 50 years old! And at the end of my primary 5, Mrs King retired after teaching in the school for more than 20 years. So as Mrs King retired Mrs O’Callaghan was my new teacher. We did a Victorian Day and it was really good. It was the year our class went to Ardnabannon it was so fun, and our Christmas Play was Hansel and Gretal I got the part of Gretel. I was nervous but really excited. Now we come to Primary 7 I had two teachers Miss Stewart and Mr Doyle. We went on some fantastic trips like the Christmas Markets, tour of Belfast City Hall and we were so lucky to go to Ardnabannon again. This year our Year 7 netball team was really successful winning not one but two tournaments.
Being a pupil in St. Mary’s Primary School Dechomet has been amazing!!
Read our Year 7 Memories

I started school on the 1st of September 2011, I wasn’t that nervous as I knew my cousin Megan and knew some of them from playschool. As soon as I came in, Miss ‘Hare greeted me at the door. She was really nice and she said, “Go play with whatever you want,” so I played with the doll house where Aimee and Cara were playing.
P2 was really exciting because there was also P3 in the class. Mrs McEvoy was my teacher now.She is also really nice as are the other teachers. Our school won a trip to the Titanic but P1, P2 and P3 couldn’t go but we were allowed to go to the cinema and when we came back the parent support had a big party for us. P3 A new girl called Sarah came into are class I was the first person to meet her because I was in early.
P4 I moved into Mrs King class I was making my Holy Communion. I got to sing The lord is my shepherd and I did a reading. After we went the school to get some refreshments and photos. I also got most caring pupil that year. P5 are school had its 50th anniversary. P6 Was my first year going to Ardnabannon. I loved it was so fun. P7 It was Confirmation I sang the Gloria with Krista and Aimee. 7 years have gone really quickly. I will miss the school and everyone it.
Read our Year 7 Memories

When I first started school I was really nervous my teacher was called Miss O’Hare and she was really nice. I met my new friends Rose, Megan, Amy, Cara, Krista, Bethany and Alicia. I remember having lots of fun playing with toys. In year two I moved into Mrs McEvoy’s room they were great years!! After that my teachers were Mrs King, Mrs O’Callaghan, Miss Stewart and Mr Doyle. All the teachers were really nice to me. The best memories I had were our school trips they were really fun, my favourite school trip was ardnabannon and I loved our after school activities like netball, camogie, and football.
I will miss this school a lot and I hope to visit it again!
Read our Year 7 Memories

I can’t believe that my amazing years at Dechomet primary School are finished. I remember starting in Primary One. Aimee O’Higgins was my best friend and still is. Miss O’Hare made me feel very welcome. I moved in to year ¾. Mrs McEvoy was very kind and helped me prepare for my Holy Communion and First Confession. I remember coming back to the hall for juice and crisps before heading to the Burrendale for a meal. I had lots of fun school trips e.g. Apple fest in Castleward /Jump box in year 6 . Going to see Aladdin in the Waterfront. I had great fun at the Christmas Market in Belfast. Trying different things was exciting. I moved into year 5 and 6. Mrs king was my teacher, she was great. Then in year 7 I did lots more exciting things with Miss Stewart and Mr Doyle. I will really miss this school and all the teachers and classroom assistants.
Read our Year 7 Memories

I can’t believe that my 8 years at Dechomet is nearly over. I remember starting school in Reception. My teacher was Miss O’Hare. There were three other people in the class, Rose, Michael and Odhran. When we went into year 1 lots of new people started and I made lots of new friends. In year 2 and year 3 I had a different teacher, Mrs McEvoy. She was really nice. In year 3 a new girl came in. Her name was Sarah. In year 4 I made my Holy Communion. I was really nervous. I was doing the second reading. After Communion was over we went over to our school for photographs and tea. When I went into year 6 we went to Ardnabannon. We went water bouldering, zip lining and climbing frames. In year 7 a new boy came in. His name was Kailin. I did the transfer test and I got an A. I was really surprised. We went to the Christmas Market in Belfast. Then we made our Confirmation. The year 7 girls then won not 1 but 2 netball tournaments and the year 6 and year 7 boys got into the Cumann na mBunscol final. I have really enjoyed my time at St Mary’s Dechomet. All the staff are so nice and really helpful and I will never forget the memories I have had here.
St Mary's PS Dechomet 6 Closkelt Road Ballyward Castlewellan Down BT31 9QE